Our interior design firm is committed to providing comprehensive support throughout every facet of your designing, construction, and decorating journey. From the most simplistic of decorative needs to a complete home overhaul, or even the creation of floor plans and design concepts for new construction, our dedicated team is fully equipped to assist you every step of the way. We take great pride in offering an array of custom window treatments, exquisite completely custom furniture, custom cabinetry, awe-inspiring wallpaper selections, and more to suit your distinct taste.
We work with the best architects, general contractors, sub contractors, and specialized workers who all have decades of experience in their relevant fields. Allow us to guide you in transforming your living space into a haven of tranquility by booking your consultation today. Don't hesitate to contact us via phone or text at (770) 401-8557, or email us at Contact@NoorHamidInteriors.com. Be sure to follow our Instagram page @NoorHamidInteriors for more captivating content.

The Process
Whether you have a sense of what you’re after and need the general direction to work with, or if you want a professional to guide you through every step of the way, we’re here for you.
First we start with your lifestyle, creating the most useful and practical space for what you need it for most. Then we work identify what makes you feel comfortable and serene, bringing in elements from whatever makes you happy. Finally we put together a solution that fits the criteria. At the end, you have a unique space you love.
We have packages that fit every client’s needs.
Package 1: Design Direction
Identify the aesthetic client feels most comfortable in
Identify what client’s goal is for the space
Creating a rendering for the space
Client receives suggestions for type of furniture to search for
Client receives suggestions for overall color palette that would complement the space
Client shops for items themselves, and usually has contacts in the industry where they prefer to handle the project themselves
Package 2: Trade Discounts
In this package clients get the most bang for their buck. Industry discounts end up making up for the cost of the package, so clients get the design and their items for the same price or even better than if they had shopped for the item on their own. Clients also get access to items only accessible to people in the trade.
You receive items in Package 1 plus the following:
Specific links of items are provided
Designer’s industry discounts are applied
Client finds and works with contractors/subcontractors themselves
Package 3: Construction
Design + Links + Industry Discounts When Applicable + Exact Colors + Designer Deals with Contractors/Subs:
Package 1 and 2 plus the following:
Everything is completely handled by the designer including:
Purchasing items with industry discounts
Renovation/construction planning
Floor planning with custom new construction
Finding and managing contractors
Project management